This New Moon in Cancer Baño Will Help You Navigate Deep Emotional Waters

A beautiful woman perches on the side of an elegant red roll top bathtub, and waits for it to fill up. She wears a silky robe. Light floods through the window, backlighting the relaxing scene and giving it a dreamy vibe.
Getty/Catherine Falls Commercial
Getty/Catherine Falls Commercial

Now that the mind-clutter has been cleared by June's New Moon in Gemini, and the to-do list is in order by the light of the Capricorn Full Moon, we can embrace all of our emotions. The New Moon in Cancer, the cardinal sign of summer, provides the space for us to really get in tune with our feelings.

Practicing the art of mastering our emotional flow is important for a balanced life. We may think that pushing our emotions aside or burying them deep down inside will help to remove them from our lives. In fact, the opposite is true. By facing our emotions, swimming deep in their waters, and understanding the lessons hidden within, we can truly allow our feelings to be validated while they flow through us. When we suppress feelings like anger, sadness, stress, and anxiety, they move in and make a home within our energy, which can later result in physical ailments. Think of cleansing your energy like cleaning your house; you don't want to let layers of dust settle and build up. Spiritually maintain your most precious home of all – you.

Cancer creates an environment ripe for emotional and spiritual maintenance. This water sign is ruled by the moon, which means we can tap into our subconscious mind, revealing hidden truths that influence our actions in life. Then, we can decipher whether these truths should remain or be shed from our existence to make space for our true essence to shine.

Remember that new moons give us space to set intentions and make wishes. They pave the road after the full moons clear our paths. New moons remind us of our magic and how we can truly create the life of our dreams alongside Spirit. As long as we live from a place of love and kindness, setting healthy boundaries when needed along the way, we can manifest great things.

When Is the 2024 New Moon in Cancer?

The New Moon in Cancer peaks on July 5 at 6:57 p.m. ET. Consider combining your July 4th activities with a Cancer new moon ritual with friends. Break bread, share stories, watch the fireworks, and set intentions for the new moon. The next day, on or after the new moon peaks, write a list of those intentions, read them out loud, and indulge in a spiritual baño as an offering to yourself and to spirit.

What Is the Meaning of the 2024 New Moon in Cancer?

The moon, Cancer's ruler, is in a constant cycle of renewal. This death and rebirth continuum may rile up your emotions, but it will also test your intuition and how much you trust it along the way.

Consider your family structure and the intricate relationships you have with the members of your inner circle on an individual basis and as a whole. Are there areas that need improvement? Do you wish the lines of communication were a bit more open? If you are estranged from your family, do you wish to reconnect? And if you found your family through friends, are you truly showing gratitude for them, and are they for you?

These are all questions to reflect on during the New Moon in Cancer, especially when they concern the relationship with mother. Cancer is a sign of motherhood. This can also mean inner-child work and the need to mother oneself. Air on the side of caution, as Cancer energy can become overprotective, or you can lose your sense of self. But like the hard shell of the crab, whose soft body retreats within, we can find the balance we need to feel safe in our skin.

What Is the Spiritual Cleansing Prayer to Say During July's New Moon in Cancer?

Great Spirit, I need your help with navigating my emotions. I desire to be less reactive and take a pause to consider things first. Please share your wisdom with me so that I may grow and elevate to the next level. Thank you, thank you, thank you. So, be it.

Which Tarot Card Goes Well With the New Moon in Cancer?

The Chariot – Like this forward-moving tarot card, Cancer is about focused determination and drive.

Which Chakra Goes Well With the New Moon in Cancer?

Third Eye – Tapping into your subconscious mind coincides with the zodiac sign that opens up the waters of deep emotions.

Spiritual-Bath Recipe for the New Moon in Cancer


Herbs: sage, lemon balm, milky oats, and parsley

Crystals: moonstone, rose quartz, ruby, and emerald

Essential oils: geranium, grapefruit, and peppermint

Florida Water

Sage and palo santo

Silver candle

Sea salt

White roses


1. Get some beautiful white roses and place them somewhere you can easily see them in your home or wherever you intend to do your Cancer New Moon ritual. Allow the high vibration of the roses to fill your space as you begin cleansing and preparing for your baño.

2. Next, burn some sage followed by palo santo to continue spiritually cleansing your space, raising the vibe, and locking in all the goodness for you to truly indulge in your lunar practice.

3. Fill your bathtub with warm water and add 1-2 cups of sea salt. Mix it in with your hands as you move your body and flow with the motion of the water. Remember that Cancer is a water sign so envelope yourself in that fluid energy.

4. As you add handfuls of herbs to your bath, dance, sing, pray, and speak your intentions. Then, mix the herbs in with your hands.

5. Add 2-3 drops of Florida Water followed by several drops of essential oils. Mix in with your hands. Take deep breaths, and exhale your desires into the water, which will capture that energy as you bathe.

6. Finally, cover the top of your spiritual bath with white roses, saving some of the flowers for your vase.

7. Create a New Moon in Cancer altar using your silver candle, crystals, and the rest of your white roses. You can also place other items on your altar that align with this moon like photos of your family or your new moon wish list. Light the candle to spark your wishes and bring them into your reality. Watch for what occurs in your life over the next six months when we reach the Full Moon in Cancer on January 13, 2025.

Zayda Rivera is a POPSUGAR contributor. She has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. Z is a certified Reiki Master Teacher, yoga and Zumba instructor, mindfulness and meditation guide, tarot reader, and spiritual mentor.