I Tried These $4 Bestselling Makeup Remover Wipes and I'll Never Use Anything Else Again
If you're lazy like me, a full face scrub is just too much work sometimes. That's why I'm always on the hunt for good cleansing wipes. I have used various brands in the past, but I thought it was time I finally test out a cult classic. These Neutrogena Cleansing Fragrance Free Makeup Remover Facial Wipes ($4) are the bestselling option on Amazon, and for good reason. They have 1,800 customer reviews, and a whopping 78 percent of customers give them five stars.
These premoistened towelettes thoroughly clean your skin, leaving it fresh and makeup-free. The wipes even take off my waterproof mascara with ease. The formula is made to be gentle on skin, so they don't cause any irritation. After using just one wipe I feel nice and fresh. After testing out this option, I am downright addicted. They are my go-to.
The towelettes come in a few different packaging options, so choose what works best for you and add them to your cart. I especially love taking a small pack with me when I travel. Who else is obsessed?